In this module, Cate looks at Sofie’s academic achievement through past standardized test scores, an extensive teacher interview, observations of her schoolwork, and information from Sofie and her mother.
In this module, Cate looks at Sofie’s academic achievement through past standardized test scores, an extensive teacher interview, observations of her schoolwork, and information from Sofie and her mother. We learn that Sofie’s current school is a productive environment with stimulating instruction, and that Sofie has made significant progress over the past two years in her current school environment. This gives us further information in determining whether the language development concerns expressed by Sofie’s new family point to a difference, disorder or gap.
Find related resources here:
SLAM materials used in later modules
The Critical Questions (Parent and Teacher Interview)-THECRITICALQUESTIONShandoutFinalCopy (1).pdf
Written evaluation for Sofie: ModelEval136-EnglishSpanish-TD-SchoolAgeEvalPlaylistDDoG (1)
Find the entire playlist here: Difference, Disorder or Gap: A School Age Disability Evaluation (DDoG Playlist)
Find Individual Modules here:
Difference, Disorder or Gap: Academic Performance and Teacher Interview (DDoG Module 2)
Difference, Disorder or Gap: Student- Evaluator Clinical Interaction (DDoG Module 3)
Difference, Disorder or Gap: Analysis and Disability Determination (DDoG Module 4)
Relevant Research:
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