Increasing Language Skills for Children from Low Income Backgrounds (ILS Playlist)
In this module series, Stephanie Downey Toledo presents on the need for increasing language skills for children from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
In this module series, Stephanie Downey Toledo presents on the need for increasing language skills for children from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
Stephanie Downey Toledo describes how to ease the culture shock from home to school in order to improve the learning environment for all students.
In this module, Stephanie Downey Toledo discusses how to increase contextualization in the classroom in a way that best helps our students learn in the classroom.
In this fifth module, Stephanie Downey Toledo discusses ways in which a professional can optimize the learning environment.
In this first module, Stephanie Downey Toledo defines the achievement gap and its importance in our society.
Stephanie reminds us to be sympathetic to the challenges our students face and provides strategies to motivate and support adolescent readers.
Stephanie provides strategies that providers and parents alike can use with children from low income backgrounds to support emergent literacy.
Stephanie discusses the importance of educating parents so that they know how to support their child’s literacy development before they enter school.
This book is part of a series of Spanish language books written for children with repaired cleft palate./Este libro forma parte de una serie de libros hechos para niños con el paladar hendido reparado.
This book is part of a series of Spanish language books written for children with repaired cleft palate./Este libro forma parte de una serie de libros hechos para niños con el paladar hendido reparado.