Understanding Assessment: Focus on Methodology in recent Dynamic Assessment Articles

In the last few years, three important articles studying the usefulness of dynamic assessment (DA) procedures as diagnostic tools in identifying language impairment (LI) have been published. DA is especially important to SLPs working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) children because it has been shown to be less biased against those individuals than traditional methods of assessment (i.e., static assessment).

Understanding Assessment: Understanding the Hologram

A hologram is a description of a child within an evaluation that illustrates the child’s strengths and weaknesses for the reader and should include examples that show the child’s ability to learn and highest level of functioning, as well as a description of when his or her skills break down.

Report Writing: Guide

It is extremely important that the evaluator include all the necessary information in their evaluation. This is a template of all the necessary sections in an evaluation.