Malagasy Screener
Click here to access a cleft palate speech screener in Malagasy, the language of Madagascar.
Click here to access a cleft palate speech screener in Malagasy, the language of Madagascar.
This study investigated the effectiveness of a dynamic assessment task in accurately identifying kindergarteners, especially those from CLD backgrounds, that would continue to need reading intervention and support up to 6 years into the future.
This study investigated the effectiveness of expository discourse language sample analysis in differentiating between typically developing and language impaired adolescents.
This study investigated measures and developed a tool for analyzing narrative microstructure.
This study investigated the development syntax in conversational versus expository discourse across the lifetime.
This study investigates the use of narrative dynamic assessment in decreasing overidentification of students from American Indian communities as language impaired.
This study investigated dynamic assessment in evaluations among SLPs and explored whether different procedures would increase its use.
This study investigated how and why SLPs choose standardized assessments in their practice.
This study investigated narrative development in bilingual children as well as the possibility of an expressive-receptive language gap in the children’s L2.
This study sought to understand school-based SLPs use a of language sample analysis in assessment.