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In this evaluation Cate continues with the evaluation by performing an assessment of Alex’s speech and articulation through the use of an articulation screener from the PLS-5.Cate provides various levels of prompting and modeling throughout the evaluation. She sees that he is able to produce all sounds expected for his age, as well as almost all sounds he would need for English, when given a model/prompting. This demonstrates that articulation is not the issue causing intelligibility problems. Cate notes his productions of the same sound are variable, which leads her to consider developmental apraxia. As with previous modules, Cate indicates where this information should go in the final evaluation.

Find resources used throughout this playlist here:

Model Eval: 2;10-English/Spanish- Verbal Apraxia

Model Eval: 2;10- Verbal Apraxia IEP Goals

Critical Questions Document

Test Review: PLS-5 English

Test Review: PLS-5 Spanish

Find the playlist for the full set of videos in this module series here:

Differential Diagnosis in Preschool Evaluations: A Case Study (DDPE Playlist)

Find each of the modules from this playlist here:

Module 1: Why an Accurate Differential Diagnosis Matters

Module 2: Critical Questions for the Parent Interview Part 1

Module 3: Critical Questions for the Parent Interview Part 2

Module 4: Academic Language Expressive and Receptive Language

Module 5: Receptive Language Comprehension and Following Directions

Module 6: Eliciting Quality Narratives in Expressive Language

Module 7: Motor Speech, Articulation, and Speech Sound Inventory

Module 8: Dynamic Assessment: Nonword Repetition, Syllable and Sentence Repetition

Module 9: Putting it All Together in the Written Evaluation Report

Module 10: Developing Appropriate Goals for the IEP