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In this playlist, Dr. Cate Crowley walks evaluators through a step-by-step approach to how to assess and evaluate a school-aged child based on current federal law, state regulations, ASHA guidelines, and evidence-based practice.

In this playlist, Dr. Crowley, introduces us to Sophie, a 12 year old girl previously diagnosed as having a severe speech and language impairment. Dr. Crowley takes us through each step of the evaluation process. She begins with gathering information on the child’s background, both linguistic and educational, from the parent as well as from Sophie herself. Then she speaks with Sophie’s teachers to get a better understanding of Sophie’s academic performance. Dr. Crowley uses SLAM materials designed by her and Miriam Baigorri to elicit a language sample to use in making her diagnosis. Finally Dr. Crowley synthesize the information she has gathered as well as using her clinical judgment to determine if Sophie exhibits a language difference, a language disorder or simply a gap in academic skills.

Find resources used throughout this playlist here:

SLAM Subway Picture.pdf

Find each of the modules from this playlist here: