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In this playlist, Dr. Cate Crowley walks evaluators through a step-by-step approach to how to assess and evaluate a school-aged child based on current federal law, state regulations, ASHA guidelines, and evidence-based practice.

We begin by gathering background, including language acquisitional and educational history. Then Cate conducts interviews with parents, teachers and the child, Sofie, to gain information on Sofie’s academic performance. Finally, Cate collects a language sample and information on Sofie’s language development through SLAM materials (Available at and subtests of the CELF-5 administered in a non-standard way. Cate makes the determination based on the information gathered in module 4.

Find Related Materials Here:

SLAM Materials used in later modules

The Critical Questions (Parent and Teacher Interview)- THECRITICALQUESTIONShandoutFinalCopy (1).pdf

Written Evaluation for Sofie: Model Eval 13;6- English/Spanish, TD, School-Aged

Find Individual Modules here:

Difference Disorder or Gap: Language Acquisitional History, Family History, and Educational Background (DDoG: Module 1)

Difference, Disorder or Gap: Academic Performance and Teacher Interview (DDoG Module 2)

Difference, Disorder or Gap: Student- Evaluator Clinical Interaction (DDoG Module 3)

Difference, Disorder or Gap: Analysis and Disability Determination (DDoG Module 4)

Relevant Research: 

Burns, de Villiers, Pearson & Champion (2012) Dialect Neutral Indices of Narrative Cohesion and Evaluation

When you are ready, CLICK HERE to begin the assessment.