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In the sixth module in this series, Cate presents research on bilingualism in children 0-3 years of age and explains when a bilingual evaluation is necessary in Early Intervention. She goes over essential skills that every bilingual evaluator should have and talks in-depth about how to work with an interpreter in a culturally and linguistically appropriate way. Finally, Cate presents case studies of bilingual children under the age of 3 that demonstrate the influence of bilingualism on early language development.

This is a module series based on a series of trainings given in March and April of 2016 for the NYC Department of Health and Mental Health Bureau of Early Intervention by Catherine J. Crowley, J.D., Ph.D., a professor of Practice at Teachers College, Columbia University. The purpose of the trainings was to provide information about the NYCDOH Bureau of Early Intervention’s standards for culturally and linguistically appropriate evaluations to EIODs, agency coordinators, and evaluators in New York City.

Find resources here: 

Module 6 Handout

The Critical Questions for Early Intervention in English

The Critical Questions for Early Intervention in Spanish

 The Critical Questions for Early Intervention in Brazilian Portuguese

Find the playlist and each of the individual modules here: 

Early Intervention Evaluations (Playlist)

Module 1- Law, Regulations and Policies

Module 2a- Standardized Test Misuse

Module 2b- Standardized Test Misuse

Module 3- Case Study

Module 4- The Critical Questions

Module 5- Informed Clinical Opinion

Module 7- Apraxia, Diagnosis and Treatment

Other LEADERSproject module series referred in this video:

Grammar Fundamentals for a Pluralistic Society

Differential Diagnosis in a Preschool Evaluation

Difference, Disorder, or Gap? A School-Age Disability Evaluation