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Here is a playlist of videos that showcases the variety of ways that AAC is used in the classroom in Ghana:

How and why we use AAC

Why is AAC is important for students with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities and autism? These videos show how to implement AAC in the classroom and how to bring back the information from the annual professional development retreats to share with all the teachers and implement in the classroom.

Calendars and Weather

Belinda Bukari, Mary Osei and Cate Crowley created these videos so all the teachers who come to the professional development retreats can learn more about how to use the materials. In this video, we show how to use the calendar including the date and days of the week and the weather.

Name Tags for Literacy and Math

AAC name tags are used in special education unit schools in Ghana Education Service. These AAC approaches can be used to develop literacy and math skills. Teachers College Columbia University program in speech language pathology and Ghana’s Division of Special Education have introduced these name tags in professional development retreats over the past 10 years.

Sound/Phonological Awareness – Foundations for Literacy