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This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets P and B in Italian. Questo è parte della serie di libri per la palatoschisi. Il libro è per fare pratica con la P e la B in italiano.

Download: Le Papere Paolo e Paola Parlano Bene

Le Papere Paolo e Paola Parlano Bene (Italian) is part of a series of books written for children with repaired cleft palate. This book focuses on P and B. Children receiving speech therapy after a repaired cleft palate should practice speech sounds 100 times a day if they want to improve. With these books, children can practice at home with their family or on their own! The book can be downloaded or you can also swipe through the pages on your tablet or phone by clicking on the gallery below.

Written by Chelsea Sommer and Annalisa Giammò. Illustrated by Tina Yeung and directed by Catherine Crowley.