School-Based SLP Intervention Modules
Literacy Interventions for Children with Significant Disabilities (SwSD Playlist)
Stephanie Downey Toledo reviews research demonstrating how to most effectively support these students with significant disabilities in their language and literacy development, such as by targeting phonemic awareness.
Writing Interventions (WI Playlist)
Stephanie Downey Toledo reviews what a writing disability is and gives us an opportunity to get an idea of what it might feel like to have one.
Increasing Language Skills for Children from Low Income Backgrounds (ILS Playlist)
In this module series, Stephanie Downey Toledo presents on the need for increasing language skills for children from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
Reading Development (Playlist)
This playlist of 8 modules presents information on typical reading development, including information specifically for English Language Learner (ELL) and speech and language impaired (SLI) populations.