Please find related materials here:
Preschool Disability Evaluations Playlist
Find the playlist for the full set of videos in this module series here:
Grammar Fundamentals for a Pluralistic Society Playlist
Find each of the modules from this playlist here:
Insights from Grammar (Grammar Fundamentals: Module 01)
Nouns, Determiners and Pronouns (Grammar Fundamentals: Module 02)
Verbs (Grammar Fundamentals: Module 03)
Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions and Contractions (Grammar Fundamentals: Module 04)
Phrases, Clauses and Sentences (Grammar Fundamentals: Module 05)
Real World Applications in Disability Evaluations: Grammar Fundamentals: Module 06)
Please find links to research mentioned in this module here:
Burns, F. A., Villiers, P.A., Pearson, B.Z., & Champion, T.B. (2012). Dialect-Neutral Indices of Narrative Cohesion and Evaluation. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 43(2), 132-152.
Justice, L. M., & Ezell, H. K. (2002). The Syntax Handbook: Everything You Learned about Syntax–But Forgot. Thinking Publications.
Valenti, D. (2014). Socially Stigmatized Dialects. Teachers College Columbia University, Bilingual Extension Institute, New York, NY.