Validity Part 1- Construct Validity (PDE: Module 06)
In this module, Cate discusses the validity of standardized tests and whether they measure what they claim to measure.
In this module, Cate discusses the validity of standardized tests and whether they measure what they claim to measure.
In this module, Cate discusses the bias found in the WISC-4 Spanish. Using the normal curve, she plots the mean score of 2 groups- Group A: children from low SES backgrounds and Group B: children from high SES backgrounds.
This module examines validity issues for psychological tests such as the lack of validity of standardized IQ tests when used with bilingual individuals and English language learners (ELL).
In this module, Cate explains two types of reliability (test-retest and inter-examiner) in terms of standardized tests.
This module examines the role of standard error of measurement in standardized language and psycho-educational tests.
In this module, Cate introduces how to appropriately assess preschoolers for disabilities without the use of test scores.
This module examines different sources of bias that are present in commonly used standardized language tests.
This module examines different sources of bias that are present in commonly used standardized language tests.
This module discusses how to do preschool evaluations in an accurate and appropriate manner.
This module introduces the module series on appropriate disability evaluations for culturally and linguistically diverse preschoolers.