by Kristin | Aug 6, 2020
Ce document est utilisé par les thérapeutes pour évaluer la parole et déterminer la présence d’erreurs communes associées à une fente palatine/ This document is used by therapists to screen individuals to determine the presences of common speech errors associated with cleft palate.
by Kristin | Aug 5, 2020 |
Ce document décrit la hiérarchie de l’orthophonie pour un enfant après une intervention chirurgicale pour réparer sa fente palatine.
This document describes the appropriate hierarchy of speech therapy for a child after they have received surgery to repair their cleft palate.
by Leaders Project | May 29, 2020 |
La sección 3.1c repasa la jerarquía de la terapia del habla y estrategias. / Section 3.1c reviews the therapy hierarchy and strategies.
by Leaders Project | Nov 3, 2019
This is part of the series of Igbo cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets the one high pressure sound /b/ the child is targeting paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.
by Leaders Project | Nov 3, 2019
This is part of the series of Igbo cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets the one high pressure sound /f/ the child is targeting paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.
by Leaders Project | Nov 1, 2019
This is part of the series of Igbo cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets the one high pressure sound (sh) the child is targeting paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.
by Leaders Project | Nov 1, 2019
This is part of the series of Igbo cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets the one high pressure sound (p) the child is targeting paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.
by Leaders Project | Nov 1, 2019
This is part of the series of Igbo cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets the one high pressure sound (z) the child is targeting paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.
by Leaders Project | Nov 1, 2019
This is part of the series of Igbo cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets the one high pressure sound (d) the child is targeting paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.
by Leaders Project | Nov 1, 2019
This is part of the series of Igbo cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets the one low pressure sound (j) the child is targeting paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.