by Leaders Project | May 18, 2014
La segunda parte de la segunda clase trata de la identificación de errores comunes en el habla de niños con el paladar hendido/ fisura palatina. / The second part of class 2 discusses identification of common speech errors in cleft palate speech.
by Leaders Project | May 18, 2014
La cuarta parte de la tercera clase presenta una estrategia para producir sílabas. The fourth part of the third class presents a strategy for producing syllables.
by Leaders Project | May 18, 2014
La tercera parte de la segunda clase presenta el análisis de los sonidos nasales y de baja presión. / The third section of class 2 presents analysis of nasal and low pressure sounds.
by Leaders Project | May 18, 2014
La cuarta parte de la segunda clase trata del análisis de sonidos de presión alta. / The fourth section of class 2 discusses analysis of high-pressure sounds.
by Leaders Project | May 17, 2014
La primera parte de la tercera clase repasa estrategias que se pueden usar en terapia del habla después de la reparación del paladar hendido/ fisura palatina. / The first section of the third class discusses strategies to use in speech therapy after cleft palate repair surgery.
by Leaders Project | May 17, 2014
La sección 1b repasa la jerarquía de la terapia del habla. / Section 1b reviews the therapy hierarchy.
by Leaders Project | May 17, 2014
La segunda parte de la tercera clase presente estrategias para provocar sonidos con el terapia del habla. / The second part of the third class presents strategies to elicit sounds.
by Leaders Project | May 17, 2014
La tercera parte de la tercera clase presenta mas estrategias para eliminar la oclusión glótica. / The third part of the third class presents extra strategies for eliminating glottal stops.
by Leaders Project | Jan 8, 2014
The CELF-4 is a standardized test designed to assess the presence of a language disorder or delay in Spanish speaking children which should be used to probe for information and not to identify a disorder or disability.
by Leaders Project | Dec 12, 2013
The CELF-P2 is designed to assess the presence of a language disorder or delay in Spanish speaking students and only be used to probe for information and not to identify a disorder or disability.