(Mandarin) Cleft Palate Practice for K and G
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets K and G in Mandarin. / 《叩叩叩,快开门》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets K and G in Mandarin. / 《叩叩叩,快开门》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets Sh and Zh in Mandarin. / 《施叔叔数数》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets T and D in English.
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets K and G in Hindi.
ये पुस्तक भांग तालु पुस्तकमाला का भाग है । ये पुस्तक का उधेश /क/ और /ग/ हिंदी में है ।
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets K and G in English.
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets F and V in Spanish./Este libro forma parte de la serie de libros para el paladar hendido. Se enfoque en la F y la V en español.
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets P and B in Brazilian Portuguese. / Este volume faz parte da série de livros de fissura palatina. Tem como alvo os sons P e B em português brasileiro.
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets K and G in Brazilian Portuguese. / Este volume faz parte da série de livros de fissura palatina. Tem como alvo os sons K e G em português brasileiro.
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets K and G in English.
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets K and G in Spanish./Este libro forma parte de la serie de libros para el paladar hendido. Se enfoque en la “K” y la “G” en español.