Community Request Cards
Community request cards are small, portable cards that can be used in one’s community to access goods and services.
Community request cards are small, portable cards that can be used in one’s community to access goods and services.
This is a video created in English, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.
This is a video created in English, to provide guidance on creating social stories similar to those created by Carol Grey.
Communication passports are meant to quickly and effectively communicate “need to know” information for individuals who cannot easily speak for themselves.
This course, Cleft Palate Speech and Feeding, is a 5-day program that intends to provide speech-language pathologists and parents of children with cleft palate with essential strategies and information to maximize their ability to improve speech in children with cleft palate. This course forms part of the Smile Train initiative to provide exhaustive treatment after surgery to optimize the quality of live of patients.
This document is intended for SLPs to use in discussions with parents. / Ce document est destiné aux orthophonistes à utiliser dans les discussions avec les parents.
This course, Cleft Palate Speech and Feeding in Bahasa (Pelatihan Bicara Bibir Sumbing dan Pemberian Makan) is a 5-day program that intends to provide speech-language pathologists and parents of children with cleft palate with essential strategies and information to maximize their ability to improve speech in children with cleft palate.
Ce document décrit la hiérarchie de l’orthophonie pour un enfant après une intervention chirurgicale pour réparer sa fente palatine.
This document describes the appropriate hierarchy of speech therapy for a child after they have received surgery to repair their cleft palate.