by Kristin | Mar 2, 2019
This study investigated the accuracy of using modified scoring procedures on standardized tests in accurately differentiating between typically developing and language impaired nonmainstream dialect speakers.
by Kristin | Mar 2, 2019
This study investigates the status of Nonmainstream dialect speakers by comparing the language development of two kindergarten boys speaking Philippine English (PE). It investigates the usefulness of standardized tests as well as current level of academic language support with these populations.
by Leaders Project | Mar 6, 2016
This document is based upon the requirements of the federal, state, and city law, regulations, and policies.
by Kristin | Dec 14, 2015
This study investigated the usefulness of specific narrative elements determined to be “dialect neutral” in discriminating between typically developing and language impaired speakers, regardless of dialect status (General American English vs. African American English).
by Kristin | Nov 16, 2015
Cate Crowley from Teachers College, Columbia University along with Tia Washington and Diane El-Sawaf from the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) discuss measures taken to combat the over referral of students from diverse backgrounds for special education services.
by Leaders Project | Apr 14, 2015
Dr. Cate Crowley created this document to support speech language pathologists in appropriate disability determination, from carrying out the assessment to writing a quality report. Included here is a template along with the law, policy, and research supporting it as best practice in identifying individuals with disability.
by Leaders Project | Mar 17, 2015
This article was one of the first to investigate nonword repetition as dynamic assessment. It also highlighted its importance as a less biased measure of language impairment for individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
by Leaders Project | Mar 15, 2015
A summary of the National Literacy Panel’s findings with regard to evidence based literacy instructions for English Language Learners and suggestions for clinicians and educators.
by Leaders Project | Dec 10, 2014
This is a special education field advisory that was released in December, 2014. It details the use of standardized scores with culturally and linguistically diverse children.
by Leaders Project | Jan 30, 2014
This study builds on recent evidence of the usefulness of dynamic assessment (DA) along with a mediated learning experience (MLE) and graduated prompting as a more appropriate method of determining the presence of language disorder (LD) in culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) children.