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French PRE-SLAM Video & Materials

In this video, Melissa Farkouh, M.Sc., a speech-language pathologist from Canada, provides a brief tutorial on accessing the newly translated PRE-SLAM materials in French. She also explains how evaluators can effectively use these materials in dynamic assessments, designed for children from preschool to seven years old.

Haitian Creole SLAM and PRE-SLAM Video & Materials

In this video, Olivia Volmar, a student at Teachers College, Columbia University, provides a brief tutorial on how to access the newly translated PRE-SLAM & SLAM materials in Haitian Creole. She additionally provides a description about how evaluators can best used these materials in dynamic assessment. 

English Version (AAC Market Cards)

This is a video created in English, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.

(Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for C

(Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for C

This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets C in Vietnamese Download: (Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for C Chú Cuội Cung Trăng is one in a series of books written in Vietnamese for children with repaired cleft palate. The book focuses on C....
(Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for B

(Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for B

This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets B in Vietnamese Download: (Vietnamese) Cleft Palate Practice for B The Little Bee (Ong bé nhỏ) is one in a series of books written in Vietnamese for children with repaired cleft palate. The book...

Communication Passports

Communication passports are meant to quickly and effectively communicate “need to know” information for individuals who cannot easily speak for themselves.

Đào tạo cho Người đào tạo (Vietnamese)

Đào tạo cho Người đào tạo (Vietnamese)

This course, Cleft Palate Speech and Feeding, is a 5-day program that intends to provide speech-language pathologists and parents of children with cleft palate with essential strategies and information to maximize their ability to improve speech in children with cleft palate. This course forms part of the Smile Train initiative to provide exhaustive treatment after surgery to optimize the quality of live of patients.

The Critical Questions- Early Intervention

Dr. Catherine Crowley developed the critical questions over the course of her clinical practice. The Early Intervention version of these questions are more specific to early intervention evaluations. She has found them to be the most effective and valid pieces of information needed by the evaluator in order to distinguish language difference from disorder, especially in culturally and linguistically diverse populations. In addition, this set of questions includes questions supported by research as being the one of the most accurate measures of language disorder (Restrepo, 1998).