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(Amharic) Cleft Palate Practice for B

(Amharic) Cleft Palate Practice for B

Bunno is part of a series of Amharic language books created for children with repaired cleft palate. It focuses on B. / “ቡሬና ቡኖ!” ትናጋቸው ተከፍቶ የተወለዱ ህፃናት የቀዶ ህክምና ከተደረገላቸው በኋላ እንዲለማመዱባቸው ከተዘጋጁት ተከታታይ መፃህፍት አንዱ ነው፡፡ ይህ መፅሀፍ በተለይ በ፣ “ብ” ድምፅ ላይ ያተኩራል፡፡

(Amharic) Cleft Palate Practice for K, G and K’

(Amharic) Cleft Palate Practice for K, G and K’

Niku’s Kittens is part of a series of Amharic language books created for children with repaired cleft palate. It focuses on K, G and K’. / “የንቁ ግልገሎች!” ትናጋቸው ተከፍቶ የተወለዱ ህፃናት የቀዶ ህክምና ከተደረገላቸው በኋላ እንዲለማመዱባቸው ከተዘጋጁት ተከታታይ መፃህፍት አንዱ ነው፡፡ ይህ መፅሀፍ በተለይ በ፣ “ክ” ፣ “ግ” እና “ቅ” ድምፆች ላይ ያተኩራል፡፡

Initial Template for Speech-Language Evaluators

Dr. Cate Crowley created this document to support speech language pathologists in appropriate disability determination, from carrying out the assessment to writing a quality report. Included here is a template along with the law, policy, and research supporting it as best practice in identifying individuals with disability.