Increasing Literacy in Adolescents (ILS: Module 04)
Stephanie reminds us to be sympathetic to the challenges our students face and provides strategies to motivate and support adolescent readers.
Stephanie reminds us to be sympathetic to the challenges our students face and provides strategies to motivate and support adolescent readers.
Stephanie provides strategies that providers and parents alike can use with children from low income backgrounds to support emergent literacy.
Stephanie discusses the importance of educating parents so that they know how to support their child’s literacy development before they enter school.
This playlist of 8 modules presents information on typical reading development, including information specifically for English Language Learner (ELL) and speech and language impaired (SLI) populations.
This module explains why the SLP is a key part of evidence based literacy development.
This module examines myths persistent in vocabulary instruction and provides evidence based strategies to appropriately support vocabulary acquisition.
In this module, Stephanie Downey Toledo explores considerations for students who are bilingual in regards to reading development.
In this module, Stephanie Downey Toledo discusses reading comprehension as one of the five components of reading development
This module presents strategies to support the development of fluency in reading.
In this module Stephanie Downey Toledo discusses phonics as the second component to reading development.