Phonemic Awareness (Reading Development: Module 03)
In this video, Stephanie Downey Toledo discusses phonemic development as part of reading development.
In this video, Stephanie Downey Toledo discusses phonemic development as part of reading development.
In this video Stephanie Downey Toledo goes into the importance of SLPs in a schoolbase setting and the key role they play in literacy and reading development.
This module examines the implicit knowledge that proficient/native speakers have about their language through a linguistic task.
This case study is part of the Aligning IEP goals with the Common Core State Standards series for Amanda, a 13-year-old 6th grader with writing difficulties.
While using they Bayley III, scores should not be calculated or used to diagnose speech and/or language delay/disorder or to determine special education services.
The PLS-5 is designed for use with children aged birth through 7;11 to assess language development and only be used to probe for information and not to identify a disorder or disability.
The PLS-5 Spanish is designed to determine the presence and severity of a receptive, expressive, or receptive-expressive language delay or disorder and only be used to probe for information and not to identify a disorder or disability.
The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Fourth Edition (CELF-4) is a standardized test designed to assess the presence of a language disorder or delay and should only be used to probe for information and not to identify a disorder or disability.
This module examines different sources of bias that are present in commonly used standardized language tests.