Putting It All Together in the Written Evaluation Report (DDPE Playlist: Module 9)
This module reviews how Cate combines all the information gathered during the assessment and puts it together into a diagnosis and final report.
This module reviews how Cate combines all the information gathered during the assessment and puts it together into a diagnosis and final report.
In this module, Cate reviews the conclusions of the evaluation and works to develop goals that will provide the support that Alex really needs.
When the Day Breaks is part of a series of books written in Mandarin for children with repaired cleft palate. / 《天亮了》是为唇腭裂儿童术后康复撰写的普通话系列丛书之一
This book is part of a series of Spanish language books written for children with repaired cleft palate./Este libro forma parte de una serie de libros hechos para niños con el paladar hendido reparado.
This book is part of a series of Spanish language books written for children with repaired cleft palate./Este libro forma parte de una serie de libros hechos para niños con el paladar hendido reparado.
This book is part of a series of Spanish language books written for children with repaired cleft palate./ Este libro forma parte de una serie de libros hechos para niños con el paladar hendido reparado.
Este libro forma parte de una serie de libros hechos para niños con el paladar hendido reparado. / This book is part of a series of Spanish language books written for children with repaired cleft palate.
This book is part of a series of Spanish language books written for children with repaired cleft palate./ Este libro forma parte de una serie de libros hechos para niños con el paladar hendido reparado.
Cate Crowley took a group of students and professionals to provide therapy and professional development with the Healing the Children cleft palate surgical mission in Neiva, Colombia.
Estos videos tienen el objectivo de enseñar estrategias y técnicas para mejorar el habla de gente con paladar hendido/ fisura palatina.