by Leaders Project | Mar 1, 2013
Bias towards individuals with disabilities, such as ADHD or cerebral palsy, can result in the mislabeling of these individuals as being language impaired or intellectually disabled.
by Leaders Project | Mar 1, 2013
Socioeconomic status (SES) affects cultural perspective and speech and language development and can be found in testing materials and the evaluator’s interpretation of assessment performance.
by Leaders Project | Mar 1, 2013
It is important to be as thorough as possible when writing the background section of the evaluation as extenuating circumstances could explain a delay in language development and also help the evaluator differentiate between a delay, disorder, or normal language development, given the circumstances.
by Leaders Project | Mar 1, 2013
The standard error of measure indicates the amount of uncertainty that a sample (such as a normative sample) is truly representative of the general population. In the case of administering standardized tests, it conveys the level of uncertainty that a single test performance observed by the evaluator represents how the child would do if it were administered multiple times.
by Leaders Project | Nov 28, 2012
Bias occurs when one interprets or judges others based on their own background and experience and it can result in viewing other practices, expectations and perceptions as inferior or wrong and can result in many different consequences.
by Leaders Project | Nov 26, 2012
Dynamic Assessment is a method of assessment which uses a “test-teach-retest” model and the emphasis is on the individual’s ability to acquire the skills/knowledge being tested after being exposed to instruction.