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SLAM Guidelines for Analysis

SLAM Guidelines for Analysis

We are happy to provide these Guidelines for Analysis sheets that accompany the School-age Language Assessment & Measures (SLAM) original materials and the SLAM BOOM! materials. These Guideline sheets are meant to support your note-taking while conducting a SLAM...


We have taken our School-age Language Assessment Measures (SLAM) cards and updated them for use in teletherapy via the Boom learning platform to create SLAM BOOM! Cards! We are happy to announce the opening of our Leaders Project storefront on, where...

Model Eval: 9;1- Cantonese/English, CIE-Typically Developing

Download: Model Eval: 9;1 – Cantonese/English, CIE – Typically Developing Name: SL Age: 9;1 Languages: Cantonese-English Speech Diagnosis: Age-appropriate Diagnosis: Typically Developing Assessment Materials: The following assessment materials were used...
Russian (русский язык) SLAM Card Translations

Russian (русский язык) SLAM Card Translations

Here you will find the School-age Language Assessment Measures (SLAM) translated into Russian (русский язык) by Julia Kharlamenko, MS, CF-SLP. RUSSIAN (русский язык) The Subway – Метро  The Subway (Questions)- Метро (вопросов) The Subway (Picture) –...

Évaluation de la parole et de la stimulabilité

Ce document est utilisé par les thérapeutes pour évaluer la parole et déterminer la présence d’erreurs communes associées à une fente palatine/ This document is used by therapists to screen individuals to determine the presences of common speech errors associated with cleft palate. 

Speech Sound Assessment and Stimulability

This document includes an evaluation of all of the speech sounds. It also describes how to analyze speech to identify which sounds are stimulable for therapy. Download: Speech Sound Assessment and Stimulability Speech Sound Assessment and Stimulability Have the...