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(Amharic) Cleft Palate Practice for T, D and T’

(Amharic) Cleft Palate Practice for T, D and T’

Dniche is part of a series of Amharic language books created for children with repaired cleft palate. It focuses on T, D and T’. / “ድረስ ድንቼ!” ትናጋቸው ተከፍቶ የተወለዱ ህፃናት የቀዶ ህክምና ከተደረገላቸው በኋላ እንዲለማመዱባቸው ከተዘጋጁት ተከታታይ መፃህፍት አንዱ ነው፡፡ ይህ መፅሀፍ በተለይ በ፣ “ት” ፣ “ድ” እና “ጥ” ድምፆች ላይ ያተኩራል፡፡

(Amharic) Cleft Palate Practice for B

(Amharic) Cleft Palate Practice for B

Bunno is part of a series of Amharic language books created for children with repaired cleft palate. It focuses on B. / “ቡሬና ቡኖ!” ትናጋቸው ተከፍቶ የተወለዱ ህፃናት የቀዶ ህክምና ከተደረገላቸው በኋላ እንዲለማመዱባቸው ከተዘጋጁት ተከታታይ መፃህፍት አንዱ ነው፡፡ ይህ መፅሀፍ በተለይ በ፣ “ብ” ድምፅ ላይ ያተኩራል፡፡

(Amharic) Cleft Palate Practice for K, G and K’

(Amharic) Cleft Palate Practice for K, G and K’

Niku’s Kittens is part of a series of Amharic language books created for children with repaired cleft palate. It focuses on K, G and K’. / “የንቁ ግልገሎች!” ትናጋቸው ተከፍቶ የተወለዱ ህፃናት የቀዶ ህክምና ከተደረገላቸው በኋላ እንዲለማመዱባቸው ከተዘጋጁት ተከታታይ መፃህፍት አንዱ ነው፡፡ ይህ መፅሀፍ በተለይ በ፣ “ክ” ፣ “ግ” እና “ቅ” ድምፆች ላይ ያተኩራል፡፡

Aprender a usar los libros de práctica (Playlist)

Aprender a usar los libros de práctica (Playlist)

Esta serie de vídeos muestra cómo usar los libros creado por para ayudar a los niños con el paladar hendido reparado. / This series of videos shows how to use books created by to help children with repaired cleft palate.

Cómo usar los libros de práctica – Practicar la S con Mira Sammy Sosa (Video)

Cómo usar los libros de práctica – Practicar la S con Mira Sammy Sosa (Video)

Este es parte de una serie de vídeos que muestran cómo usar los libros creado por para ayudar a los niños con el paladar hendido reparado. En este vídeo, vemos el libro “Mira Mira Sammy Sosa” para practicar la “S.” / This is part of a series of videos that show how to use books created by to help children with repaired cleft palate. In this video we see “Sammy Sosa” for practicing S.

Cómo usar los libros de práctica – Practiquen con Nosotros- La T, la D y la N (Video)

Este es parte de una serie de vídeos que muestran cómo usar los libros creado por para ayudar a los niños con el paladar hendido reparado. En este vídeo, vemos el libro “Practiquen con Nosotros” para practicar la “T,” “D,” y “N.” / This is part of a series of videos that show how to use books created by to help children with repaired cleft palate. In this video we see “Practiquen con Nosotros” for practice with the T, D and N.