Community Request Cards
Community request cards are small, portable cards that can be used in one’s community to access goods and services.
Community request cards are small, portable cards that can be used in one’s community to access goods and services.
Communication passports are meant to quickly and effectively communicate “need to know” information for individuals who cannot easily speak for themselves.
AAC market cards were developed by Cate Crowley and Miriam Baigorri in collaboration with Belinda Bukari in response to a desire from the families that their children be able to participate in a typical activity for Ghanaian children: buying food for the family at the market.
This evaluation was done by David Usdan, PhD for a 2;9 month old boy diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
This is a video created in several languages, to provide guidance on creating social stories similar to those created by Carol Grey.
This is a video in Amharic, to provide guidance on creating social stories similar to those created by Carol Grey.
This is a video created in Amharic, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.
This is a video created in Swahili, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.
This is a video created in Gikomba, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.
This is a video created in Rukiga Runyankole, to demonstrate the use of AAC Market Cards in aiding children from Ghanaian families to participate in typical activities to help out their families.