SLAM Bunny Goes to School Cards – Ghana
This set of language elicitation cards and questions was designed as a tool to be used in assessing language for preschool and elementary school aged children.
This set of language elicitation cards and questions was designed as a tool to be used in assessing language for preschool and elementary school aged children.
Dniche is part of a series of Amharic language books created for children with repaired cleft palate. It focuses on T, D and T’. / “ድረስ ድንቼ!” ትናጋቸው ተከፍቶ የተወለዱ ህፃናት የቀዶ ህክምና ከተደረገላቸው በኋላ እንዲለማመዱባቸው ከተዘጋጁት ተከታታይ መፃህፍት አንዱ ነው፡፡ ይህ መፅሀፍ በተለይ በ፣ “ት” ፣ “ድ” እና “ጥ” ድምፆች ላይ ያተኩራል፡፡
Bunno is part of a series of Amharic language books created for children with repaired cleft palate. It focuses on B. / “ቡሬና ቡኖ!” ትናጋቸው ተከፍቶ የተወለዱ ህፃናት የቀዶ ህክምና ከተደረገላቸው በኋላ እንዲለማመዱባቸው ከተዘጋጁት ተከታታይ መፃህፍት አንዱ ነው፡፡ ይህ መፅሀፍ በተለይ በ፣ “ብ” ድምፅ ላይ ያተኩራል፡፡
Niku’s Kittens is part of a series of Amharic language books created for children with repaired cleft palate. It focuses on K, G and K’. / “የንቁ ግልገሎች!” ትናጋቸው ተከፍቶ የተወለዱ ህፃናት የቀዶ ህክምና ከተደረገላቸው በኋላ እንዲለማመዱባቸው ከተዘጋጁት ተከታታይ መፃህፍት አንዱ ነው፡፡ ይህ መፅሀፍ በተለይ በ፣ “ክ” ፣ “ግ” እና “ቅ” ድምፆች ላይ ያተኩራል፡፡
AAC market cards were developed by Cate Crowley and Miriam Baigorri in collaboration with Belinda Bukari in response to a desire from the families that their children be able to participate in a typical activity for Ghanaian children: buying food for the family at the market.
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets S and Z in English.
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets B and P in English.
Dr. Cate Crowley and several students from Teachers College, Columbia University traveled to Ethiopia to visit the Ethiopian National Association for Intellectual Disabilities (ENAID).
Dr. Cate Crowley created this document to support speech language pathologists in appropriate disability determination, from carrying out the assessment to writing a quality report. Included here is a template along with the law, policy, and research supporting it as best practice in identifying individuals with disability.
Dr. Cate Crowley walks us through an appropriate evaluation of a culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) preschooler, previously misdiagnosed. She takes us from the parent interview, to interacting with the child, writing the evaluation and even formulating appropriate IEP goals.