Putting It All Together in the Written Evaluation Report (DDPE Playlist: Module 9)
This module reviews how Cate combines all the information gathered during the assessment and puts it together into a diagnosis and final report.
This module reviews how Cate combines all the information gathered during the assessment and puts it together into a diagnosis and final report.
In this module, Cate reviews the conclusions of the evaluation and works to develop goals that will provide the support that Alex really needs.
This evaluation was done by David Usdan, PhD for a 2;9 month old boy diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
This document contains the nonword tasks first developed by Dollaghan & Campbell (1998) as part of assessment that is less biased towards diverse populations.
Parts of the CELF-5 can be used to probe for information and language samples, but its limitations prevent it from being used to identify disorder or disability.
The CELF-4 is a standardized test designed to assess the presence of a language disorder or delay in Spanish speaking children which should be used to probe for information and not to identify a disorder or disability.
The CELF-P2 is designed to assess the presence of a language disorder or delay in Spanish speaking students and only be used to probe for information and not to identify a disorder or disability.
This resource, originally published in 1994, consists of reviews of tests and other measures that may be used to obtain information about the preschool child who is suspected of having an educational disability.
Cate Crowley and several recent graduates of the Teachers College Columbia University speech-language pathology program created and presented this poster at the ASHA convention in Chicago, 2013.