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Test Review: Bayley-III

While using they Bayley III, scores should not be calculated or used to diagnose speech and/or language delay/disorder or to determine special education services.

Parent Training and Home Practice: How Much is Too Much?

More and more, researchers in speech-language intervention are confirming what practitioners have suspected for years: that intensity matters. Research has suggested early, intensified intervention is most effective in rapid, long-lasting improvement. It would be...

Holograms Part 2 (PDE: Module 23)

This module sets the standard for a competent evaluation. Cate presents how to incorporate examples from the evaluation and parent interview into holograms in order to produce a quality evaluation.

(Olswang, Rodriguez, & Timler, 1998) Recommending Intervention for Toddlers With Specific Language Learning Difficulties: We May Not Have All the Answers, But We Know a Lot

This review analyzed the literature available at the time in order to compile characteristics that would enable early intervention (EI) providers to distinguish between children who are “late talkers” but will likely catch up to their peers without therapy (as the majority do) and those who truly have a language disorder.