NYCDOE Initial Guidance Document for Speech and Language Evaluators
This document is based upon the requirements of the federal, state, and city law, regulations, and policies.
This document is based upon the requirements of the federal, state, and city law, regulations, and policies.
This is a special education field advisory that was released in December, 2014. It details the use of standardized scores with culturally and linguistically diverse children.
In this module, Stephanie Downey Toledo explores considerations for students who are bilingual in regards to reading development.
This module examines the implicit knowledge that proficient/native speakers have about their language through a linguistic task.
This resource, originally published in 1994, consists of reviews of tests and other measures that may be used to obtain information about the preschool child who is suspected of having an educational disability.
This resource consists of reviews of standardized measures of cognition and affect that may be used to provide information for determining eligibility for special education and for planning the education of students who have an educational disability.
This module examines validity issues for psychological tests such as the lack of validity of standardized IQ tests when used with bilingual individuals and English language learners (ELL).
In this module, Cate introduces how to appropriately assess preschoolers for disabilities without the use of test scores.
This document presents why a shift in approach to disability evaluation of preschoolers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds is needed.