by Leaders Project | May 14, 2013
This review analyzed the literature available at the time in order to compile characteristics that would enable early intervention (EI) providers to distinguish between children who are “late talkers” but will likely catch up to their peers without therapy (as the majority do) and those who truly have a language disorder.
by Leaders Project | May 13, 2013
This was one of the first of many articles publishing research demonstrating the severe limitations of using commercially available child language tests when assessing children for speech and language disability.
by Leaders Project | May 10, 2013
These studies represent more evidence against the use of standardized tests when assessing the linguistic abilities of culturally or linguistically diverse (CLD) children.
by Leaders Project | Apr 26, 2013
This is a model evaluation of Anthony: a 3-year-old child with multiple-handicaps who has “Shaken Baby Syndrome” due to abuse.
by Leaders Project | Mar 17, 2013
This study presented the findings and implications for clinicians, educators, and policy makers after recording all interactions between caregivers and children, from age 7 months to 3 years old, in different socioeconomic classes for 1 hour per week.
by Leaders Project | Mar 15, 2013
An examination between second language exposure and morphosyntactic and semantic development in preschoolers.
by Kristin | Mar 3, 2013 |
While traditionally many SLPs practiced only the pull-out service delivery model, this has been changing in recent years and the expectation that school SLPs provide services using the push-in model is increasingly common. In New York City, Chancellor of the Depart of...
by Leaders Project | Mar 1, 2013
A standard deviation (SD) is a quantity derived from the distribution of scores from a normative sample and can be defined as the average distance (or deviation) from the mean.
by Leaders Project | Mar 1, 2013
The percentile rank of a score is percentage of total scores from the normative sample that were equal or lesser than the value of the score and can be plotted on the bell curve of a normal distribution.
by Leaders Project | Mar 1, 2013
The parent/primary caregiver interview is a necessary part of any quality evaluation and can be used to gain information used in several parts of the evaluation.