by Leaders Project | Jul 21, 2013
This resource consists of reviews of standardized measures of cognition and affect that may be used to provide information for determining eligibility for special education and for planning the education of students who have an educational disability.
by Leaders Project | Jul 9, 2013
This memo sets forth the current standards for disability determinations, which are consistent with a diagnostic process consistent with a social model.
by Leaders Project | Jun 8, 2013
This module discusses how traditional assessment procedures (i.e. standardized test scores) used for determining disability are problematic.
by Leaders Project | Jun 8, 2013
This module examines validity issues for psychological tests such as the lack of validity of standardized IQ tests when used with bilingual individuals and English language learners (ELL).
by Leaders Project | Jun 8, 2013
In this module, Cate explains two types of reliability (test-retest and inter-examiner) in terms of standardized tests.
by Leaders Project | Jun 8, 2013
This module examines the role of standard error of measurement in standardized language and psycho-educational tests.
by Leaders Project | Jun 8, 2013
This module examines different sources of bias that are present in commonly used standardized language tests.
by Leaders Project | Jun 8, 2013
This module examines different sources of bias that are present in commonly used standardized language tests.
by Leaders Project | Jun 8, 2013
This module investigates factors that influence bilingual language development.
by Leaders Project | Jun 8, 2013
This module discusses how the parent interview is the best tool for identification of language impaired children, not just from middle class families, but also from Spanish speaking families.