by eb3493 | Oct 26, 2023
This course, Cleft Palate Speech and Feeding, is a 5-day program that intends to provide speech-language pathologists and parents of children with cleft palate with essential strategies and information to maximize their ability to improve speech in children with cleft palate. This course forms part of the Smile Train initiative to provide exhaustive treatment after surgery to optimize the quality of live of patients.
by eb3493 | Oct 1, 2023
This course, Cleft Palate Speech and Feeding, is a 5-day program that intends to provide speech-language pathologists and parents of children with cleft palate with essential strategies and information to maximize their ability to improve speech in children with cleft palate. This course forms part of the Smile Train initiative to provide exhaustive treatment after surgery to optimize the quality of live of patients.
by Leaders Project | Sep 25, 2017
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets T and D in Spanish./Este libro forma parte de la serie de libros para el paladar hendido. Se enfoque en la T y la D en español.
by Leaders Project | Jul 28, 2017
This is part of the series of cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets the one high pressure sound (F) the child is targeting paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.
by Leaders Project | Jul 24, 2017
This is part of the series of cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets the one high pressure sound (CH) the child is targeting paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds which the child should be able to produce free of error.
by Leaders Project | Jul 24, 2017
This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets F and V in English.
by Leaders Project | Mar 23, 2017 |
Dr. Catherine Crowley of Teachers College, Columbia University presents on the identification and treatment of speech impairment due to cleft palate. Other topics include feeding, syndromes, and surgical repair.
by Leaders Project | Feb 9, 2017
This course, Cleft Palate Speech and Feeding, is a 5-day program that intends to provide speech-language pathologists and parents of children with cleft palate with essential strategies and information to maximize their ability to improve speech in children with cleft palate. This course forms part of the Smile Train initiative to provide exhaustive treatment after surgery to optimize the quality of live of patients.
by Leaders Project | Jan 14, 2014
The Picture Exchange Communication System, or PECS, is an AAC system that aims to focus on the initiation component of communication.