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Scoring Parameters For All SLAM Materials

We are happy to provide these Guidelines for Analysis sheets that accompany the School-age Language Assessment & Measures (SLAM) original materials and the SLAM BOOM! materials. These Guideline sheets are meant to support your note-taking while conducting a SLAM...
(Malagasy) Cleft Palate Therapy Word Game for D

(Malagasy) Cleft Palate Therapy Word Game for D

This is part of the series of Malagasy cleft palate speech therapy word games. This therapy game is unique in that it targets one high pressure sound (D), which the child is learning, paired with other low pressure and nasal sounds that the child should be able to produce free of error.

Libro para practicar P y B – Pablo el pulpo

Libro para practicar P y B – Pablo el pulpo

This is part of the series of cleft palate books. The book targets P and B in Spanish./Este libro forma parte de la serie de libros para el paladar hendido. Se enfoque en P y B en español. Download/Descarga: Pablo el pulpo “Pablo el pulpo” is part of a series of...
SLAM BOOM! Video on Access & Use

SLAM BOOM! Video on Access & Use

Leaders Project has recently adapted the School-age Language Assessment Measures (SLAM) cards for the platform to make SLAM BOOM! Cards! SLAM Guidelines for Analysis have been created to aid with your note-taking and evaluation during a language...

Évaluation de la parole et de la stimulabilité

Ce document est utilisé par les thérapeutes pour évaluer la parole et déterminer la présence d’erreurs communes associées à une fente palatine/ This document is used by therapists to screen individuals to determine the presences of common speech errors associated with cleft palate.