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Hiérarchie Orthophonique de la Fente Palatine

Ce document décrit la hiérarchie de l’orthophonie pour un enfant après une intervention chirurgicale pour réparer sa fente palatine.

This document describes the appropriate hierarchy of speech therapy for a child after they have received surgery to repair their cleft palate.

AAC in the Classroom, Ghana (Playlist)

Here is a playlist of videos that showcases the variety of ways that AAC is used in the classroom in Ghana: How and why we use AAC Why is AAC is important for students with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities and autism? These videos show how to...
Early Intervention Evaluations- Module 2a- Standardized Test Misuse

Early Intervention Evaluations- Module 2a- Standardized Test Misuse

In this module, Cate will review city and state regulations, federal law, research-based practice in her discussion of what makes a linguistically and culturally appropriate EI evaluation. She will look more closely at commonly used Early Intervention assessments for areas of bias that may lead to misdiagnosis if used with children of diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Cleft Palate (Spanish)- Good Articulation in Sentences/ Paladar Hendido- Buena Articulación en Frases

Cleft Palate (Spanish)- Good Articulation in Sentences/ Paladar Hendido- Buena Articulación en Frases

Here we can see a 12 year old girl who demonstrates good placement of the tongue and articulator, noticeable when the nose is closed so that air cannot escape that way and her speech becomes much more intelligible. Aquí vemos una niña de 12 años con buena articulación. Se ve cuando se cierra las narices para que no pueda escapar aire así y se puede entender su habla perfectamente.

(Twi) Cleft Palate Practice for K and G

(Twi) Cleft Palate Practice for K and G

Part of the series of cleft palate books. This one is for K and G in Twi. / Yie ɛyɛ nwoma ɛtoso biom a yefre no “cleft palate” nɛnso weyi yɛ ɛnwoma yɛfrɛ no “k” ɛna “g” ɛwo Twi mu.