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Feeding Resources

Pelatihan bagi Pelatih (Train the Trainers, Bahasa)

Pelatihan bagi Pelatih (Train the Trainers, Bahasa)

This course, Cleft Palate Speech and Feeding in Bahasa (Pelatihan Bicara Bibir Sumbing dan Pemberian Makan) is a 5-day program that intends to provide speech-language pathologists and parents of children with cleft palate with essential strategies and information to maximize their ability to improve speech in children with cleft palate.

Cómo alimentar a los bebés con paladar hendido

This document reviews the most important information for any parent to remember when feeding a baby with cleft palate. / Este documento repasa la información más importante que cualquier padre con un bebé con el paladar hendido debe recordar.
