(French) Cleft Palate Practice for B and P
Part of the series of cleft palate books. This one is for B and P in French. / Livre pour la pratique des sons B et P à la suite de la réparation fentes labio-palatines.
Part of the series of cleft palate books. This one is for B and P in French. / Livre pour la pratique des sons B et P à la suite de la réparation fentes labio-palatines.
Part of the series of cleft palate books. This one is for K and G in Twi. / Yie ɛyɛ nwoma ɛtoso biom a yefre no “cleft palate” nɛnso weyi yɛ ɛnwoma yɛfrɛ no “k” ɛna “g” ɛwo Twi mu.
Part of the series of cleft palate books. This one is for B and P in Korean. / ‘보물놀이’는 구개열 수술을 받은 아동들을 위해 한국어로 제작된 언어 발달 책 시리즈 중 하나입니다. 파열음 /ㅂ/ 와 /ㅍ/ 발음에 중점을 둔 책입니다.